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Vodafone Configurator

  • App for controlling Vodafone routers
  • 1,4 million users in total
  • Three markets: UK, Italy, Ireland

  • Conception
  • Wireframing
  • UX management
  • Review of research activities

The app is offered in the UK, Ireland, and Italy. In all three markets, the feature set differs drastically; e.g., in Italy, you can make VoIP calls, and in the UK, you can claim a discount if the measured internet speed is lower than the agreed speed.

In my previous projects, I always sat with the core team. At Vodafone, the team was spread all over Europe. Despite the distances, we were very well organized and efficient (thanks to Miro™, JIRA™, and Slack™ Pro!).

User Centric

Initially, I collected and reviewed all documents, statistics, qualitative and quantitative research results. In the process, I noticed that before me, no KPIs were defined for the apps. That was the topic of the first joint workshop with the stakeholders. In the end, we formulated the business needs, KPIs, and mission statement and made the first assumptions about user needs. Thanks to the Analytics data, we could get a picture of the most used features in the app.

The list was unsurprising but became the essential reference for further roadmap discussions.

Thanks to the Analytics data, we could get a picture of the most used features in the app. The list was unsurprising but became an essential reference for further roadmap discussions.

The most important KPIs for the success of the apps were, besides the NPS, are the App Store ratings. To collect and channel the user feedback and raise the necessary awareness in the team, I initiated the acquisition of an App-Store-Analytics-Tool, "AppBot".

The tool automatically analyzes and tags the ratings from the App Store.

All tags can also be displayed as an emotional diagram. The X-axis shows the level of satisfaction. The Y-axis shows how emotionally charged the feedback was.

As you can see from the chart, most of the reviews are negative. A subsequent user survey with around 4,000 respondents revealed the reason.

The app is not seen by customers as a stand-alone service but as part of the overall broadband experience. When people are dissatisfied with the Internet speed, they use the app reviews as a channel to get rid of their frustration.

Wi-Fi Extender

Another task entrusted to me was the integration of the Super Wi-Fi functionality into the existing app.
With Super Wi-Fi the Customer places extra hardware extenders in remote places in the apartment, which thus increases the network coverage.

Our premise was to make onboarding as intelligent and self-explanatory as possible. For example, the app automatically detects when the hardware has arrived at the customer's site and initiates an initialization. Then the helper tool measures the signal strength and finds the best position automatically for placing the extenders. In my concept, I strictly follow the pattern of displaying one action per screen with only one main button, a practice that already makes the user experience so unique with yomo.